OPAL Reach

During the coronavirus epidemic when some of our members were unable to join us at OPAL events, we reached out with a regular news sheet created specially for them. Sadly our funding for OPAL Reach has now come to an end but you can find our archived issues below.

OPAL Reach Issue 80

OPAL Reach – special Jubilee edition

OPAL Reach Issue 79

OPAL Reach Issue 78

OPAL Reach Issue 77

OPAL Reach Issue 76

OPAL Reach Issue 75

Pancake supplement Issue 74

OPAL Reach Issue 74

OPAL Reach Issue 73

OPAL Reach Issue 72

OPAL Reach Issue 71

Belly laugh supplement January 2022

Winter Warmer edition December 2021

OPAL Reach Issue 70

OPAL Reach Issue 69

OPAL Reach Issue 68

OPAL Reach Issue 67

OPAL Reach Issue 66

OPAL Reach Issue 65

OPAL Reach Issue 64

OPAL Reach Issue 63

OPAL Reach Issue 62

OPAL Reach Maritime supplement

OPAL Reach Issue 61

OPAL Reach Olympics supplement

OPAL Reach Issue 60

OPAL Reach Issue 59

OPAL Reach Issue 58

OPAL Reach Issue 57

OPAL Reach Issue 56

OPAL Reach Issue 55

OPAL Reach Issue 54

OPAL Reach Issue 53

OPAL Reach Issue 52

OPAL Reach Issue 52 May Supplement

OPAL Reach Issue 51

OPAL Reach Issue 50

OPAL Reach issue 49

OPAL Reach Issue 48

OPAL Reach Issue 47

OPAL Reach Issue 46 Reading/writing supplement

OPAL Reach Issue 46

OPAL Reach Issue 45

OPAL Reach Issue 44

OPAL Reach Issue 43

OPAL Reach Issue 42

OPAL Reach Issue 41

OPAL Reach Issue 40

OPAL Reach Issue 39 Belly Laugh Supplement

OPAL Reach Issue 39

OPAL Reach Issue 38

OPAL Reach Issue 37

OPAL Reach Issue 36

OPAL Reach Issue 35

OPAL Reach Issue 34

OPAL Reach Issue 33

OPAL Reach soup supplement

OPAL Reach Issue 32

OPAL Reach Issue 31

OPAL Reach Issue 30

OPAL Reach Issue 29

OPAL Reach Issue 28

OPAL Reach Issue 27

OPAL Reach Issue 26

OPAL Reach Issue 25

Back to School Memories supplement

OPAL Reach Issue 24

OPAL Reach Issue 23

OPAL Reach Issue 22

Holiday Memories supplement

OPAL Reach Issue 21

OPAL Reach Issue 20

Transport supplement – August

OPAL Reach Issue 19

Gardening supplement – July

OPAL Reach Issue 18

OPAL Reach Issue 17

OPAL Reach Issue 16

OPAL Reach Issue 15

OPAL Reach Issue 14

What’s Cooking supplement – June

OPAL Reach Issue 13

OPAL Reach Issue 12

OPAL Reach Issue 11

OPAL Reach Issue 10

OPAL Reach Issue 9

OPAL Reach Issue 8

OPAL Reach – VE Day Special Edition

OPAL Reach Issue 7

OPAL Reach Issue 6

OPAL Reach Issue 5

OPAL Reach Issue 4

OPAL Reach Issue 3

OPAL Reach Issue 2

OPAL Reach Issue 1