OPAL Branching Out

OPAL Branching Out offers a range of services that aim to reconnect people with their local community and to feel the full benefit of having social connections and interactions. We currently run some regular Food for Thought groups with a general theme related to food. We also run a craft club and an allotment and have enjoyed running an informal drop in social group in one of the local libraries.

Branching Out has been running since 2019 in the Frodsham and Helsby area and in 2023, OPAL expanded into the Ashton Hayes /Kelsall and into the Elton area.

One of the benefits of Branching Out is that it offers a range of activities and social get togethers, and members can attend as many or as few as they wish which enables people who have fluctuating health or carer duties or regular diary commitments to participate and feel a part of the group.

See the Branching Out Further page for details of current sessions.

We also arrange outings for our members to local cafes, gardens and to the theatre and pantomime.

For further information about any of the Branching Out Services, please contact:

Fliss Johnson-Cooke on 07859 695611 or fliss.johnson-cooke@opalservices.org.uk

Maria Hudson on 07547 508324 or Maria.Hudson@opalservices.org.uk