Category Archives: News

OPAL Lottery

Lottery winners for June 2016

1st – £125 – No 34 – Brenda Martin

2nd – £80 – No 353 – Sophia Whittle-Jones

3rd – £40 – No 23 – Hayley Leighton-Bond


Kelsall Opal Club 25 Years Celebration

The Kelsall Day Centre as it was known then was set up 25 years ago by Age Concern Chester. When Age Concern decided to close the day centre in 2010 it was then taken over by Rural Community Services who renamed it the Kelsall OPAL Club, and it has been going strong since.

This event called for a party, of course, which was held on May 18th. Over 30 people attended, there was a raffle and a brilliant cake.