Category Archives: News

Sainsbury’s Frodsham Local Charity of the Year

We are delighted to announce that Frodsham OPAL Club has made a shortlist of three for the Sainsbury’s Local Frodsham Charity of the Year 2017. If we win, Sainsbury’s will help raise our profile and also fundraise for us.  But we need your vote! 

Voting is on from 12th-25th June, in store via tokens into a box and online.  If you are too far away from the store, we would be really grateful if you could vote for us online – at  Also if you could ask anyone you know to vote we would much appreciate it.  It’s quick and easy to vote so shouldn’t take up too much of your time. 

Thank you!

RCS Lottery

The RCS Lottery draw for the month of May took place at our Trustees’ meeting today.

The lucky winners were:

1st Prize – £125

Ticket No: 1  – Tattenhall OPAL Club

2nd Prize – £80

Ticket Number 37 – Peggy Clack

3rd Prize – £40

Ticket Number 248  – Kelsall OPAL Club

Congratulations to the winners and good luck to all for the next draw.

RCS Lottery

The RCS Lottery draw for the month of April took place at Malpas OPAL Club today.

The lucky winners were:

1st Prize – £125

Ticket No: 197  – Elizabeth Lawson

2nd Prize – £80

Ticket Number 23 – Penny Smith

3rd Prize – £40

Ticket Number 8  – Richard J Gilbert

Congratulations to the winners and good luck to all for the next draw.

RCS Lottery

The March Draw took place today at the Board of Trustees meeting.

The lucky winners are:

1st prize (£125)
Ticket No: 98 – Sarah Ellison

2nd prize (£80)
Ticket No: 206 – Irene Ross

3rd prize (£40)
Ticket No: 78 – Pamela Davis

Good luck for everyone in the next draw.
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An Opportunity to Shape our Future

Do you care about isolation and loneliness of the elderly in rural West Cheshire? If so we have an exciting opportunity for you to become part of our Board of Trustees. If you feel you could make a difference and would like to help us to make the lives of the elderly in our communities happier, please consider joining us.

Trustee Recruitment Advert
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Our new newsletter has just been published.  Please have a read to see what we’ve been up to.


Opal Newsletter Winter 2017

RCS Lottery

The February Draw took place today at Malpas OPAL club.

The lucky winners are:

1st prize (£125)
Ticket No: 222 – Jane Nichols

2nd prize (£80)
Ticket No: 423 – Brenda Platt

3rd prize (£40)
Ticket No: 316 – Joyce Dulohery

Good luck for everyone in the next draw.

New Projects

Rural Community Services have just increased the number of OPAL services we run for older people by being awarded funding from Brightlife to launch ‘New Horizons’ and ‘What’s Cooking’; two volunteer-led schemes launching in Spring 2017 to help reduce social isolation in the Frodsham and Helsby areas of Cheshire West.

New Horizons

New Horizons supports older people living in and around Frodsham who’d like to get out more to socialise with others. The aim is to help them rekindle hobbies they used to enjoy whilst also developing some new interests locally. New Horizons launches in Spring 2017.

What’s Cooking

What’s Cooking is a Community Club with cooking at its heart which offers people of all ages the opportunity to enjoy and experiment with all aspects of cooking; from learning new techniques and sharing traditional favourites to exploring recipes from across the world. Many older people lose the opportunity to cook and this new club intends to help reignite an interest in cooking and refresh their skills whilst enjoying friendly company and having fun. A full and varied programme of activities will include food preparation, demonstrations, guest speakers, food and recipe sharing as well as providing social opportunities for club members to eat out or in each other’s homes. What’s Cooking launches in Spring 2017.

Brightlife is a partnership led by Age UK Cheshire (Registered Charity Number 1091608). It has been awarded £5m as part of the Big Lottery’s Fulfilling Lives, Ageing Better fund, which has given a total of £82m to 14 areas throughout England in order to improve the lives of up to 200,000 older people.  Over the next five years, Brightlife aims to work closely with older people to identify, design and implement a wide range of innovative solutions to address loneliness and isolation across Cheshire West and Chester.


2016 Grand Christmas Draw

Visit the OPAL Lottery page to see the winners of this year’s Grand Christmas Draw.

RCS Lottery


November 2016
Draw Winners
 1st – £125 – No 427 – Sophia Whittle-Jones
2nd – £80 – No 317 – Mary Brown
3rd – £40 – No 116 – Marjorie Langley