Very reluctantly OPAL has decided to temporarily suspend our meetings of Clubs, Carers’ Groups, Branching Out and GoOnLine sessions due to take place in January 2022.
This is not the beginning OPAL had hoped for in 2022 but this decision is due to concerns that we will be unable to run services safely while the present rates of the Omicron Covid variant are so high and covid cases are continuing to rise sharply including amongst people over the age of 60.
We will look again at the situation at the end of January and we will reverse this decision as soon as we feel it is safe to do so.
In the meantime we will strive to provide a telephone befriending service, will send out copies of OPAL Reach newsletter and deliver activity packs, which are the services that were so much appreciated throughout 2020-1.
Keeping people as safe as possible is our first priority.